Florida state bird. 50 Things to Know About Birds in Florida
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They are then frequentlyseen on the roofs, and perched on the chimney-tops; yet they always appearfull of animation. Whilst searching for food on the ground, their motions are light and elegant, and they frequently open their wings as butterflies do when basking in the sun, moving a step or two, and again throwing out their wings. When the weather is mild, the old males are heard singing with as much spirit as during the spring or summer, while the younger birds are busily engaged in practicing, preparatory to the love season.
Theyseldom resort to the interior of the forest either during the day or bynight, but usually roost among the foliage of evergreens, in the immediatevicinity of houses in Louisiana, although in the Eastern States they preferlow fir trees.
The flight of the Mocking-bird is performed by short jerks of the bodyand wings, at every one of which a strong twitching motion of the tailis perceived. This motion is still more apparent while the bird is walking,when it opens its tail like a fan and instantly closes it again. During this migration, it generally resorts to the highestparts of the woods near water-courses, utters its usual mournful note,and roosts in these places. It travels mostly by day. Few Hawks attack the Mocking-birds, as on their approach, however sudden it may be, they are always ready not only to defend themselves vigorously and with undaunted courage, but to meet the aggressor half way, and force him to abandon his intention.
The only Hawk that occasionally surprises it is the Astur Cooperii, which flies low with great swiftness, and carries the bird off without any apparent stoppage. Should it happen that the ruffianmisses his prey, the Mocking-bird in turn becomes the assailant, and pursuesthe Hawk with great courage, calling in the mean time all the birds ofits species to its assistance; and although it cannot overtake the marauder, the alarm created by their cries, which are propagated in succession among all the birds in the vicinity, like the watchwords of sentinels on duty, prevents him from succeeding in his attempts.
The musical powers of this bird have often been taken notice of by Europeannaturalists, and persons who find pleasure in listening to the song ofdifferent birds whilst in confinement or at large. Some of these personshave described the notes of the Nightingale as occasionally fully equalto those of our bird, but to compare her essays to the finished talentof the Mocking-bird, is, in my opinion, quite absurd. The Mocking-bird is easily reared by hand from the nest, from whichit ought to be removed when eight or ten days old.
It becomes so very familiar and affectionate, that it will often follow its owner about the house. I have known one raised from the nest kept by a gentleman at Natchez, that frequently flew out of the house, poured forth its melodies, and returned at sight of its keeper.
But notwithstanding all the care and managementbestowed upon the improvement of the vocal powers of this bird in confinement,I never heard one in that state produce any thing at all approaching inmelody to its own natural song. The male bird is easily distinguished in the nest, as soon as the broodis a little fledged, it being larger than the female, and showing morepure white.
It does not shrink so deep in the nest as the female does,at the sight of the hand which is about to lift it. Good singing birdsof this species often bring a high price. They are long-lived and very agreeable companions.
Their imitative powers are amazing, and they mimic with ease all their brethren of the forests or of the waters, as well as many quadrupeds. I have heard it asserted that they possess the power ofimitating the human voice, but have never met with an instance of the displayof this alleged faculty. MOCKING-BIRD, Turdus polyglottus , Wils. MOCKING-BIRD, Turdus polyglottus , Nutt. MOCKING-BIRD, Turdus polyglottus , Aud. Upper parts greyish-brown; feathers of the wings and tail greyish-black;tips of secondary coverts, edges of primary quills, and a large spot atthe end of the three lateral tail-feathers, white; lower parts whitish,marked with triangular dusky spots, of which there is a distinct line fromthe base of the bill; throat, middle of the breast, abdomen, and lowertail-coverts unspotted.
This will undoubtedly serve as a positive community education tool to spur tourism and thoughtful workforce development. Sign the Petition. FEATURED ARTICLE Max Chesnes: Florida needs a new state bird Like most Floridians, the common mockingbird Mimus polyglottos is a strange, emphatic creature. READ More!!! OTHER COMMON… Florida Birds. Michigan State Bird American Robin Turdus migratorius. Minnesota State Bird Common Loon Gavia immer.
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State Name Origin.
Florida state bird. Opinion: The mockingbird has been Florida’s state bird for 95 years – and it doesn’t need to change
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